Missionary Spotlight:
For the month of August, please pray for Louis and Sonita Sonkey, who have served with the Navigators of Cameroon for some 10 years. They have been called to engage in pioneering ministry in Sierra Leone and have been trained & equipped for this ministry. Learn more at www.navigatorsafrica.org/
Aaron and Lori Luse Family
Church Planter and Consultant: Papua New Guinea: Aaron and Lori are working among the Patpatar people leading an infant church, discipling believers, creating resources, teaching literacy, translating the Old Testament and evangelizing local tribes.
Steve and Linda Walters
Steve is involved in three different areas of ministry:
He is involved in ministering to men where he lives. This is primarily through one-to-one meetings with a variety of men, as well as being involved in a men’s Bible study.
He is also the Director of Africa Partners, a ministry of the Navigators. In this role, Steve is the primary connection between those in the US with Navigator ministries in Africa. For example: He is currently involved with linking a medical school in the US with the Navigator ministry in the medical community of Zambia. The intent is to use the experience of short-term missions to Zambia as a means of discipling medical students from the US. The hope is that this will create a pipeline of long-term medical missionaries to Africa.
He also serves on the African Regional Council. The is the leadership structure that oversees Navigator ministries in 28 countries of Sub-Sahara Africa. Each ministry is unique, at different stages of development, and with different needs.
Vincent and Mary Taniform
Vincent and Mary serve our Savior in their new role as National Director of the Navigators Ministry of Cameroon. Their mission is working to advance the gospel of Jesus and his kingdom into the nations through spiritual generations of laborers living and discipling among the lost in Cameroon and beyond. Vincent and Mary now reside in Yaounde, the capital of Cameroon. You may email them at vtaniform@yahoo.com.
Dwight and Diana Brown
Dwight and Diana serve our Savior as missionaries with Ethnos360 Aviation. The ministry responsibilities for Dwight are: Director of HR/Personnel for Ethnos360 Aviation worldwide; Ethnos360 Aviation Leadership team; involved in Member care; Mentor and oversight of those in Training at McNeal. Diana's ministry responsibilities are: Administrative Assistant to Director of HR/Personnel; Childcare worker; Member care; Mentor. They currently reside at the flight headquarters for Ethnos360 Aviation in McNeal, Arizona. Go to https://blogs.ethnos360.org/dwightbrown/ for the most up-to-date prayer needs. Watch video update here: https://vimeo.com/470278258
Peter and Sandy Silseth
Peter has been heavily involved in the short term missions activities in Honduras, with responsibilities ranging from filming and telling the story of what God is doing there as well as leading teams (sometimes) and teaching. A new area of ministry will be serving as the “Director of Hope Radio” in northern Togo. This will involve traveling to Togo 2-3 times a year as well as holding staff meetings on Zoom.
Peter and Sandi have also been roasting and selling coffee with the proceeds being used to help the Blossom Creek Project in Honduras. The goal of the project is to be able to provide funding and training for the churches of Honduras to train and send out their own missionaries.
Louis and Sonita Sonkey: Navigators, Cameroon, Africa
Louis and Sunita have been part of the Navigators of Cameroon ministry for around 10 years. They have been called to engage in pioneering ministry in Sierra Leone and are currently being trained and equipped to begin their ministry in Freetown in July of 2023. They will be joining another Navigators of Africa family to minister to the peoples in Sierra Leone.
You may connect to them by emailing: louissonkey@yahoo.com